Founded in 1885
Starting with just over 20 members, the Christchurch Liedertafel Male Voice Choir has grown steadily over the years. Our current membership stands at 34 - a vibrant, diverse group of people drawn together by a common love of male-voice choral music who, in addition to singing for pure enjoyment and camaraderie, perform three subscribers concerts each year.
The Liedertafel takes great pride in the supporting rising artists in the community. As such, Liedertafel concerts feature some of Christchurch's most promising musical talents as guest artists.
Small group and solo performances by Liedertafel members feature in most subscriber and public concerts.
Current events include
- Three subscriber concerts each year
- Anzac Day dawn service in Cathedral Square
- Other occasional events such as tattoos and massed choral celebrations.
Our extensive repertoire includes classical, opera, sacred music, British art songs, favourites from Europe, spirituals, traditionals, and universally loved songs from popular shows.
Practice Times
Rehearsals are held on Monday evenings from 6.45pm to 9.00pm in the Scottish Society Hall on the corner of Edgeware and Caledonian Roads, Christchurch.
Being a member of the choir is a wonderful experience musically and socially. It will provide you with an opportunity to learn and be challenged on every level, in a supportive environment.
The singing season usually starts on the last Monday of January and concludes with the November subscription concert.
The AGM and election of officers is held as soon as possible after the 31st of March, and before the 30th of June.
Social Activities
Aside from Monday night practices, other social activities are the mid-winter party and the Christmas function. These are informal events for members and their partners, with moments of musical mayhem!