Julia Cassels BMus(hons) AMusA UO
After begging to learn, Julia began piano lessons at the age of 8 and quickly worked through her classical grade exams in Waimate and later Dunedin. Julia achieved her Grade 8 and her AMusA diploma (Australian board) with Vivianne McLean in the last two years of High school before gaining her BMus(hons) with Terence Dennis at the University of Otago.
Growing up, Julia was exposed to Musical Theatre and Brass bands through her parents. She began working as a repetiteur for Musical Theatre Dunedin at the age of 14 and worked on many shows in the pit for them and Taieri Musical Society. Julia also worked on a number of smaller productions with Opera Otago. Beginning first with the Cornet in brass bands, Julia has be fortunate to have a go at many other instruments during high school and beyond (Violin, Bassoon, Baritone Sax, Bass guitar, Percussion).
Julia first began accompanying her school choirs during her first year of High School and has continued working as an accompanist for soloists since moving to Christchurch in 2012. Most notably, Julia works with the NZ Army Band and other instrumentalists when required for exams and competitions.
Until recently, Julia has been teaching Piano at Christchurch Boys High School and continues to teach from home and group classes at MSI Christchurch. She also retrained 3 years ago in Fashion Design and works as a pattern maker at a local clothing factory. What spare time she has, Julia spends with her husband, two young children and her children’s clothing label Jax & Julz.